vrijdag 17 januari 2025
Mark Foggo & The Modbirds
Ska Ska Ska
He's BACK! Mark Foggo komt 2025 inluiden in StudioGonz en DAT wil je echt meemaken! Mark Foggo en StudioGonz hebben een mooie geschiedenis met elkaar opgebouwd, en ook in dit jaar slaan we de handen weer ineen om een geweldige SKA SKA SKA avond neer te zetten. Hier wil je gewoon bij zijn!

Zaal open: 20:00 uur
Deur sluit: 00:00 uur
Minimumleeftijd: 14 jaar
Tickets Niet-leden: €20.00
Tickets Niet-leden VVK: €14.00
Tickets Leden: €16.00
Tickets Leden VVK: €12.00
--- Mark Foggo ---
For 40+ years Mark and his Skasters have been spreading the word of Ska internationally.
From the sunny beaches of Thailand to the sweaty clubs of Europe, and on to the taco shops of Mexico and the Sushi
bars of Japan, Mark, as a dedicated Missionary of ska, has spent his life entertaining the public with his original, dynamic and kick ass ska show. Leaving his fans with severe Ska trauma with his high energy rhythms and amusing and bizarre lyrics. Having written, recorded and performed more than 100 songs in his career, the possibilities are endless.
This is original ska like no other and definitely NOT to be missed.
Meer info:
--- Modbirds ---
Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/4sqdi6eLo