zaterdag 1 februari 2020
Manora + Nevaria (D) + Gallia (B)
Symphonic Metal Night
Een avond Symphonische/Melodische Metal met drie fantastische bands: Manora, Nevaria (D) en Gallia (B)!

Zaal open: 21:00 uur
Deur sluit: 00:00 uur
Tickets Niet-leden: €5.00
Tickets Niet-leden VVK: €3.00
Tickets Leden VVK: €1.00
Zaal open: 21:00 uur
Deur sluit: 00:00 uur
Tickets Niet-leden: €5.00
Tickets Niet-leden VVK: €3.00
Tickets Leden VVK: €1.00
Een avond Symphonische/Melodische Metal met drie fantastische bands: Manora, Nevaria Official (D) en OfficialGallia (B)!
Indicatieve time-table:
21:15-21:50 Gallia
22:15-23:00 Nevaria
23:25-00:10 Manora
*** Manora ***
[Symphonic Metal / Powermetal]
[Symphonic Metal / Powermetal]
Manora is enkele jaren geleden ontstaan toen gitarist Ivo Visser en toetsenist Arthur Stok hun eigen nummers begonnen te schrijven.
Na verschillende veranderingen in de line-up vond Manora eind 2016 een vaste bezetting, met Tijn Scholtze op drums, Tomasz Kisielewicz op basgitaar en frontvrouw Mirte van der Ham.
Na verschillende veranderingen in de line-up vond Manora eind 2016 een vaste bezetting, met Tijn Scholtze op drums, Tomasz Kisielewicz op basgitaar en frontvrouw Mirte van der Ham.
Met deze bezetting versnelde het hele proces, wat leidde tot de release van Manora's eerste EP "Dreamshapes", welke op 1 september 2017 is gereleased en nationaal en international zeer goed is ontvangen.
Manora is een symfonische metalband uit Nederland. Hun geluid wordt gekenmerkt door cleane zang en aanstekelijke synth-melodieën, terwijl ze toch een metal basis behouden, welke wordt gecreëerd door B-gestemde gitaren en basgitaar, ondersteund door beukende drums.
*** Nevaria Official ***
[Symphonic Melodic Metal]
[Symphonic Melodic Metal]
Brazen, unrestrained guitars, dynamic drums and perceptible strong bass complemented by comely keyboard melodies. The vivid, vibrand vocals complete Nevaria's catchy songs.
Nevaria is Female Fronted, Symphonic, Melodic Metal.
Nevaria is Female Fronted, Symphonic, Melodic Metal.
*** OfficialGallia ***
[Symphonic Metal]
[Symphonic Metal]
A few years ago, Gallia was founded as a musical project, but soon outgrew that term. Nowadays, Gallia is a five-person symphonic metal band from Belgium with original songs and a strong passion for music.
Gallia’s songs are composed by lead guitarist Yannick. He is one of the founders of Gallia and the creative brain behind the band. He started with music theory and clarinet at a young age, and discovered the joy of being on stage and making music. Next to his solo project where he writes symphonic pieces, he started Gallia and hopes to bring joy to others through the music the band works on.
Davy is the rhythm guitarist that supports the lead guitar. Davy started in 2011 with making music, when he was first handed an electric guitar. He now translates his passion for the metal genre to the songs of Gallia. Ever since he has been a fixture in this band.
The bass melody is played by Laurens. Since his teenage years, Laurens has been a fan of hard rock and metal genres, and founded Gallia together with Yannick. Laurens picked up the bass guitar and hasn’t put it down since. He plays with a lot of enthusiasm and occasionally ventures out to vocals.
The lead vocalist, however, is Elyn. She joined Gallia in 2015. She has a background in musicals and experience with classical singing, but isn’t afraid of the challenge that metal brings. Since she joined, she has also picked up writing lyrics for Gallia.
The band relies on the rhythm of Dieter, Gallia’s drummer. He started with a local marching band, and after that played for local band Clouds of Gravity. He took a break from drumming to focus on his studies, but recently picked up his drumsticks again and joined Gallia.
The technical side and general management falls on the shoulders of Joachim. His experienced ear and organisational skills make him indispensable for Gallia.
Gallia is a band bursting with ambition and love for music. The experience and passion of the band members has lead this band to move forward very quickly and on the 20th of July they have launched their first EP called Everflame. It can be found on their website, CD baby, itunes and spotify.
Follow them on youtube, facebook or their website to stay updated on new songs or future performances.
Follow them on youtube, facebook or their website to stay updated on new songs or future performances.
Facebook event:
VR 7 FEB.: pIE p.KLEIN speelt Plagiaatplaat