zaterdag 14 januari 2023
Jet Papillon
Alternative, Pop, Rock

Zaal open: 21:00 uur
Deur sluit: 00:00 uur
Tickets Niet-leden: €5.00
Tickets Niet-leden VVK: €3.00
Tickets Leden: €3.00
Tickets Leden VVK: €1.00
Zaal open: 21:00 uur
Deur sluit: 00:00 uur
Tickets Niet-leden: €5.00
Tickets Niet-leden VVK: €3.00
Tickets Leden: €3.00
Tickets Leden VVK: €1.00
*** Jet Papillon ***
[Alternative, Pop, Rock]
"We're not a Dutch band nor are we a rock band. We're more than a band" according to the members of the band. Jet Papillon was formed in the Netherlands in 2017 and are already claiming a spot in the underground rock scene of the Netherlands. The band appears to be egoist, elegant, gloomy as well as revolutionary, reckless and energetic. The band's emotion filled, dark lyrics are enriched by melodies which are inevitably catchy, while the rebellious behaviour, melancholic feel, and anthemic sound makes the listener indecisive about what genre they are listening to.
Facebook event:
ZA 21 JAN.: Dance with Dragons + End of the Dream