Dance with Dragons + Sordid Empire - Melodic Metal + Ambient Doom/Sludge - zaterdag 15 februari 2025 - STUDIOGONZ - Cafe/Podium/Club in Gouda

zaterdag 15 februari 2025

Dance with Dragons + Sordid Empire

Melodic Metal + Ambient Doom/Sludge

Na een aantal succesvolle optredens, keert Dance with Dragons terug naar StudioGonz voor een optreden met melodische metal! Tevens treedt deze avond de Ambient Doom/Sludge band Sordid Empire op.

Dance with Dragons + Sordid Empire

Zaal open: 21:00 uur
Deur sluit: 00:00 uur

Minimumleeftijd: 14 jaar

Tickets Niet-leden: €10.00
Tickets Niet-leden VVK: €8.00

Tickets Leden: €8.00
Tickets Leden VVK: €6.00

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*** Dance with Dragons ***
[Melodic metal uit NL]

Soms snoeihard en duister, dan weer poeslief, Dance with Dragons staat voor stevige melodische metal met een energie die het podium afknalt in een crescendo van melodie, grunts, brullende gitaren en krachtig slagwerk.

Dance with Dragons is een band die zijn oorsprong vind in Delft, maar zich inmiddels verspreid heeft over 4 provincies en van daaruit de nodige podia in binnen en buitenland heeft aangedaan.

Hoewel Dance with Dragons een nog relatief onbekende naam aan het metalfront is, bestaat deze zeskoppige formatie uit door de wol geverfde muzikanten waarvan de kernleden al ruim 20 jaar met elkaar spelen. Mede hierdoor weten zij hun strakke, energieke show neer te zetten.

Dance with Dragons is een door enthousiasme, muzikaliteit en creativiteit bevlogen band, geschikt voor elk podium.

Meer info:

*** Sordid Empire ***
[Ambient Doom/Sludge]

The journey of Dutch ambient doom/sludge band Sordid Empire started in 2023 with the objective to express the inexpressible. Emotions darker and more illusive than words can captivate are captured in songs with haunting and mesmerizing music, that finds its roots in ambient doom, sludge and avant garde metal. And the band take their time to let their songs speak, with an average of well over 10 minutes a song, they meticulously venture into the labyrinth of thoughts, emotions and memories. The band’s ultra heavy sound contributes to the inquisitive quest towards the far corners of the inner self. The band, consisting of Remco (vocals, guitar), Mickey (lead guitar) and Maarten (drums), alongside Eveline (bass), was founded in Leusden Utrecht by Eveline. The final shape of the band took form in February 2024 with the addition of multi-instrumentalist Maarten on drums and lead guitar, whose diversity complements the music and Eveline’s deep and personal lyrics and atmospheric music of Sordid Empire, making the band more than the sum of its parts. In August 2024 Mickey joined the band as lead guitarist and Maarten will focus on drums and producing. With this addition Sordid Empire is able to bring all the elements live together. In June 2024 the band released their first 4 songs with their debut demo album ‘Blackest Thoughts’, one of which was recorded live on stage. The demo shows the band in full splendour of their adventurous spirit. The recording features a guest appearance by mezzo soprano AJ and has a total spanning time of over 48 minutes. The inspiration for Sordid Empire’s music is drawn from bands that have existed for a long time or have left their mark, such as Celtic Frost (Monotheist), Triptykon, Crowbar, Winter, Sunn O))), Oak, the old Anathema and My Dying Bride. Sordid Empire forges a unique sound of Doom/Sludge, with Ambient influences, characterized by intense screams, powerful with ambient guitar tones, basslines saturated with heavy fuzz, and drum rhythms that act as pounding thunders. Early 2024 the band launched itself with a live show, showcasing their unique blend of styles, immediately leaving a lasting impression and leading into the invitation of more shows, soon to be announced.

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StudioGonz, Turfsingel 36, Gouda, NL..

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